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Pieter P.


  • Hourly rate: R1500 /hr
  • Experience: 43 Years

About Pieter

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I am Prof. J Pieter Pansegrouw, a water engineering specialist in especially the water planning field. I have devised a new integrated national long term water and power plan for South Africa till the end of the century (the year 2100). I also have a number of other large projects which I pursue such as the biggest pumped storage scheme in Africa situated in the Western Cape, a new water, rail and ecotourism Maputo Corridor, a new traffic system for Gauteng's horrible N1/M1 traffic problem as well as a number of other innovative plans/projects/methodologies. I can for instance assist engineers to determine Manning's friction coefficient n far more rationally and accurately in order to calculate flood-levels far more accurately - especially in view of climate change. For an engineer, I'm also good at Public Consultation/Participation and also at delivering interesting and high level presentations (even to Ministers and the President). I stay in Lynnwood Pretoria and would like to assist parents whose primary school children and high school children up to grade 9, struggle with mathematics and tutor them, but then at a far reduced rate of say R200/hour negotiable. I can even teach them physical science, human science, Afrikaans and English. I was the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering at the Nelson Mandela University and lectured six subjects where the class averages and throughput rates increased significantly under my lectureship. My wife also was a successful primary school teacher with more than 20 years of experience and together we can certainly assist children with their school work - even writing public speaking speeches for them - an area in which my own children excelled up to national level.

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