Greetings Thank you for having a look at my CV. I have over 20 years of service in the mining industry of which most have been as a Production Shift Supervisor/Boss in a trackless mining environment. I have a very technical aptitude and a systematic approach to the job. I will say that I am forward thinking with old school training. With previous employers I have been exposed to the MHSA extensively and gained valuable experience in WRAK’s, Risk Assessments, Drawing up of Standard Operating Procedures, Testing of new mining machines, equipment and materials. I believe in leading people from the front, thus motivating teams to give their best. As said before this is also a systematic process of constant inspection, evaluation and solution seeking. In my time on the mines, i have never experienced a fatal accident in any of my sections. On Bathopele Mine I have had results of over 1500 injury free days and been the top producer for extended periods on the Mine. I treat any job as my own business, without the job I am not making money. I know what it takes to make a business work and am willing to put in the effort to do Just that. I hope and trust to be hearing from you soon. Kind Regards Stuart van der Merwe