Dr Luyando Katiyatiya has a doctorate (LLD) in Mercantile law from Stellenbosch University. The research investigated whether and to what extent substantive equality, can facilitate the re-conception of affirmative action as a policy that can contribute towards the development of human capacities in South Africa. Luyando has consulting and research experience in Africa, with particular interests in labour law interpretation and application, human resource management strategy, institutional and labour relations issues in private and public sector, and government arrangement for economic growth and development. She has expertise in institutional, organisational, and human resource audits to support institutional establishment, alignment of human resource management to business strategy, organisational design and capacitation, policy and strategy development. Luyando has a strong interest in research that brings synergy between the law and other disciplines such as sociology, political science and economics - following in the strong tradition of law and society studies that emphasise the importance of situating law in a particular socio-economic context.