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  • Hourly rate: R150 /hr
  • Experience: 14 Years


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I used to run Contingency for Afrox and Tanker Service during the strikes in 1998/1999. My job was to recruit, arrange for and train up white collar employees (office worker) for and on code 14, cryogenic and hazchem in order to decant and keep the companies delivering. There were two shifts per day. I then started sourcing code 14 and 10 drivers from transport recruitment agencies. Had them evaluated, medicalled and paired them up with decanters for day and night shift. Once the transport company started recruiting owner drivers and the strikes were resolved, I opened my own recruitment agency where I supplied drivers, assistants and general workers to transport companies until 2006 when I was diagnosed with an illness and was forced to sell. I am now fit and healthy and need a challenge. List of customers: Afrox whole of SA Tanker Services Clover Bigfoot First Cargo

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