I have been the Production Manager for a Server Manufacturing Company (Mendax Microsystems Inc) for 6 years and have been responsible for Production, Tech Support and the smooth running of all in house computers and servers as well as supporting all products we manufacture. I specialize in Storage Servers and am considered a specialist in my field. I have been designing and Implementing Turnkey Solutions such as Firewalls, Storage Units, Database Servers etc and have multiple years of knowledge in creating the right product for the right job. I am proficient in all Microsoft Products, Red hat and Linux based Operating Systems as well as the Installation and Monitoring of Server Management Software and Policies. I am proficient with VMware installations and implementations and have converted many existing networks to virtual environments. I have been the distributor and support technician for Open-e Software in Canada for the last 6 years I am also responsible for all Computer Repairs. I am an excellent Teacher and have taught many College Graduates for their apprenticeship.