I am a data scientist. I code in Stata, R, Python, LaTeX, Git and Bash. I have experience in using virtual machines (including Linux CLI, and automation of scripts and data collection), using high-performance computers, simulating the cost of government policy based on household microdata, report writing, data visualization, regression modelling, time-series modelling and forecasting, inspecting data quality in big datasets, survey design, using or creating APIs, and hashing. I can freelance: see http://www.******.*** for details. My skills include: Codifying raw survey data Data visualization, for descriptive statistics (ggplot2 in R is preferred) Using household survey data — Specializing in the South African labour market Statistics — aggregation, with grouping — distributional analysis; density — multivariate regression — ARIMA time-series modelling (with plans to learn VAR, i.e. multivariate macroeconomic forecasting) Report writing Automation of scripts (e.g. in a virtual machine) — Using APIs for data collection, or running a bot. — Updating graphs daily on a website I assist researchers and write academic papers. I can also freelance with: website creation; Shiny web app development; predictive modelling (including macroeconomic forecasting); property price valuation; media management; or tutoring (coding, economics or maths). Meet me: http://www.******.*** I am intelligent, creative, rational, and I seek to understand systems thoroughly in order to see how I can contribute best. I have strong mathematical, quantitative, statistical and data analysis skills. I am organized, confident, and educated with writing or speaking in a formal context. I value innovation, and insightful discussion with colleagues. My personality aligns with INTJ. As a Junior Research Fellow at the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU), I analyze socioeconomic data on the occupations and earnings levels that people hold; and I also focus on social insurance. My supervisors are Prof Andrew Donaldson (former DDG of the National Treasury) and Prof Murray Leibbrandt. In my Bachelor of Social Science, I majored in economics, mathematics and public policy; my Honours and Masters at UCT were in economics, with a focus on econometrics and labour economics.